Season like the French. Spiced sea salt, sel epice, is a classic French ingredient for meats, poultry, meat pies, pate, and terrine. Sweet spices, a blend known as quatre-epices, combines naturally with sea salt, balancing the characteristics of each. We have created our personal blend of spices and mixed in our moist, crunchy sea salt. Scatter liberally over the French classics, but also try some new inspirations to add a little something special to everyday dishes.
For best flavor and potency when not using, keep tightly closed in a cool, dark cupboard away from direct heat or sunlight.
- Chicken-roasted, grilled, or pan-fried
- Pork, tenderloin or loin
- Grilled or roasted onions, carrots, mushrooms, cauliflower, or summer squashes
- Winter squashes or pumpkin, roasted or mashed
- Corn on or off the cob
- Egg dishes
- Homefries
- Rice dishes, especially pilaf
- Buttered egg noodles
- Caramel sauce or creme brulee
- Fruit Sauces or stewed dried fruit
1.5 oz.